It was fantastic to see Pam Hogg and her new collection during my brief stay in London. I’m very excited about the film she’s directing . The ever so talented Eric D. Clark brought me to the Shorditch house. My my….how Hoxton has changed since I moved back home to NYC in 2004 from there. It brought back a lot of fun memories traipsing around the old new nabe. I was listening to Greg Wilson edits on my ipod as well as some new music I churned out the first night I arrived with House of Lords who made time to squeeze me into their studio in the midst of co- producing the new George Clinton album. weeeee. 1 1/2 days in london was just enough. i listened to the new trax I wrote with A GUY CALLED GERALD all the way back on the plane. The snow is nearly gone in NYC and I am ready to get busy for spring 2011 releases. if your’e out and about this sunday come catch me dj at the new club called DROPOUT at DonHills - an appropriate name for my mystery phase of managing to hide from the limelite and yet do whatever the eff I want all around the world .