WISCONSIN YES! : since mainstream media is owned by corporations who don’t want tax increases for the rich which is the obvious place to start in helping us improve our economy that Bush screwed up by dragging us into an unnessasary invasion into A and I ,the middle class and working class people are finally standing up to pay cuts for teachers and other middle class and lower class jobs often protected by much needed unions. without the unions we’d be working for 2 dollars a day like in thailand and our kids would be too. Since the mainstream network news is in bed with the rich - we need to turn to comedians to tell the real news. I LOVE JOHN STEWART ! he helped get us through the overwhelming gloom and downright rotten brainwashing of america during the bush reign of terror and now he helps spell out how our system is so far sussed up by the corporate lobbyists , banksters, and greedy rethuglicans that the PEOPLE STANDING UP get some coverage and points out the impossible GREED of those who get the mainstream TV news platforms. - Lady Kier
here’s another great public service announcment: