MUGLER HOMAGE posting number 3 : ( in an on going series) by Lady Kier
I first learned how to speak faux frenchais from Peppe le Pue -one of my first cartoon crushes at the age of 5.i’ve been speaking it ever since. Fellini (although italian) and Claudine Longet seemed to bring it out even more. The first time I played paris i was nervous that the crowd might boo me for thinking I was making fun of French but it seemed they just thought I was singing in american or I mean english )thanks brits -bye the way)
Here it is…thanks Michael magnan and Eduardo souza foe sending this. From what I remeber is Thierry asked me to model for that season’s collection and I was on tour so I sent this instead…..
I am honored that they still use this from time to time on their website…i rarely endorse any products but this is one ….how do you say…ca cooshow