Last nite, a short walk from my new apt in Flatbush @ Wingate Park : Mon. Free shows. The Ohio Players ( I rep Youngstown ) played Sweet Sticky thing,Rollercoaster “say what” , Fire , and the Funky Worm come out her hole ) then P-funk hit hard with a banging! George Clinton teared thru 2 hours of pure funk. Bolita Woods, Steve Boyd,Kendra Foster, Kim Manning and all the singers channelled Garry somehow in the most beautiful way . The band was tight and made a beautiful grey night seem clear and sunny .They held off the rains under 2 smokestacks until after their show as if the raindancing they caused brought it on . Dwayne mixed the h out of the orchestra and from the back of the Windgate racetrack - we were all dancing. Salt n pepper will be there next monday night.
photos by lady kier except the ones with me in them…duh