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I had some exceptionally good school teachers & several awful ones : here’s 2 examples: Mr. Mitchell was willing to add his own curriculum in hisWorld History
class and on day 1 of class , he asked us to open our history books to page…

I had some exceptionally good school teachers & several awful ones : here’s 2 examples: Mr. Mitchell was willing to add his own curriculum in hisWorld History

class and on day 1 of class , he asked us to open our history books to page 250, then he shouted “now slam them shut……I’m gonna teach the real history. Ever heard of Vietnam ? Ever heard of Hiroshima? I was a veteran and I, qualify to teach you realhistory and America’s  obsession with profiting from weapon sales. we hung on his every word ,no matter how macob. Then  there was Mrs. Archibald, whom most of the kids threw spitballs at but she didn’t seem to feel them, a confused math teacher who frequently halted algebra  to tell us about the local witches, such as the time they shrunk themselves down into little eggs and  filled the rest with spices and floated along next to the mayflower from England. After my mother married a military man at age 12 ,Moving to the south was heart-wrenching as well as educational.-Lady Miss Kier

Master Teacher Corps: Barack Obama Proposes $1 Billion Effort To Boost Students’ Achievement In Math, Science

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration unveiled plans Wednesday to create a corps of master teachers,with a $1 billion effort to boost U.S. students’ achievement in science, technology, engineering and math.

The program to reward high-performing teachers with an additional $20,000 a year 

, a long-term effort by President Barack Obama to  close the achievement gap between American students and their international peers.

for more ,go to :

BY: Josh Lederman on Twitter at