He had a big head but a very small dignity , Nixon , when he ran for prezzy ( and won) it’s HARD 2 believe this slogan helped get him in. I thought McGovern would be governing us after the votes were in because my Mom put a sign in our front yard with the tall hippie grass AND had the McGovern bumper sticker and she’s ALWAYS right, but…. sigh….Nixon stole it & thanks to credible mainstream journalism…he was the first prez to be impeached for eavesdropping via wiretapping the democratic’s campaign headquarters & then after lie upon lie , was caught lieing about it. Tricky dick…that’s my story and i’m sticking to it! -lady miss kier …….www.ladykier.com
p.s. I’m no size queen except when it comes to EQ ( not the sound effect)
image posted by theonlyamaris:
Actual buttons used by the Richard Nixon Campaign in 1972.
oooh lawd.