BLACK DEVIL DISCO CLUB: Bernard Fevre gives me fever. His music is healing dance floors 1 by 1 across the globe. I was kicking myself for missing his last show at webster hall 6 months ago and when my friend Justice told me he was playing at glasslands -I was determined not to miss this Genious -with a capital G. Glasslands wasn’t known for having a good sound system but boy have they stepped it up. The sound was phenominal and the show was a huge lift up. He sings with the innocence of a child sometimes a changeling into a chesire cat. His music challenged us to try and create new dances- which we did. I even got to meet him afterwards.if you are not familiar with this prolific songwriter and producer ,you can hear more of his musical masterpieces here:
and here
big shout out to Hammish and Justice and Todd