Lady Blog

1992 -here’s the live version of THANKYOU EVERYDAY. the 1 & only performance of this song ever. After this performance , my managers told me that the record label did not like the 2nd album and therfor would not give us ANY touring financial support or otherwise , we had to turn down U2 ‘s zoo tour because of lack of $ ,even though I had an entire new show choreographed for the 2nd albummer…we did perform one other song on MTV (Runaway) which would have also been  a part of that ( would of been tour).I remember the dance dept. told us that mcdonna told them there were no hits on this album ….i fired the managers shortly afterwards for not being able to convince the label to get behind us or fulfill their contractual obligations such as $ for videos as well & I funded the tour for the 3rd album myself. -lady Miss Kier from “The dodgy biz long side dreaming”

outfit: Mr. Pearl
